Enter car loan period in Years. In this regard it can safely say that that the car loans at present work in India on the basis of promotion and the level of competition is very intense and high. The Fastest Loan Approval In Malaysia Fast Loans Malaysia Loan Generate principal interest and balance loan repayment table by year. . Used car subject to age tenure not more than 17 years. Compare Car Loans in Malaysia 2022. ICICI Bank Car Loans is the Most Preferred Financier for car loans in the country and offers you all the above with unbelievable ease. You can take the loan for 90 to 100 of the on-road price of the car. It may be under reconditioned vehicles or used vehicles or their regular car loan details include the age of the car. Upon discretion of AEON Credit. In Malaysia car loan tenures can take up to 5 7 or even 9 years. Please key in any values between 1 to 10. Compare and calculate your monthly re...